Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fat Cat Origins

My mom told me that she is calling the vet tomorrow or Tuesday to make an appointment.  I just looked at her and wanted to say "take your time."  Has my diet started yet?  I don't know because Epa and I really didn't eat that much today, though I made sure to get my share of the wetfood.  I thought I would tell you a little about what my mom and I found out looking up kitty diets.  Well, she looked it up, I just walked back and forth on her desk and let her do all the work as usual.

The Cause
The first question is: how do cats become overweight in the first place?  The same way other pets do: too much food and on the couch too much.  See, our wild relatives have to search out their next meal, they're not lucky enough to have it available to them when our parents get home.  So as pets, we cats don't have to worry about expending energy to get our next meal. That is problem number one, apparently.  So, while we get the same (and probably more) calories from the meal that our wild friends do, we also didn't have to expend the energy in finding said meal (and if you are not being fed by them: CALL THE ASPCA ON YOUR PARENTS NOW!!!!!).  So, same calories gained but less calories loss = more weight.

Another cause, and whether or not my mom admits she is guilty of this is when our parents don't play with us as much.  My favorite exercise is this "mouse" tied to a string being moved by mom.  It's my favorite because Epa is afraid of it and won't barge in on us playing.  In fact, if mom puts it near her, she tends to run away.  ::Note to self - get mom to buy more of these::  So today, we had a little playtime with that toy, and one Epa also like likes called "da bird."  I still prefer the one Epa is scared of.  After a few minutes, I was bored and just laid down on the floor.  More exercise = more calories burned.

The third main cause is health issues.  This includes kitty diabetes and thyroid problems.  I'm pretty sure I don't have that problem, but it is one that your vet can tell your parents if you have or not.  

For more information on the boring stuff check out this website: Obesity in cats.  It goes into all the different types of food you should get and why we should NOT be eating carbs.  I didn't pay attention to that part, I dozed while mom read it.  I just like food that tastes good and that I'm not allergic to.

Our Plan
So with that in mind, "we" decided that less food and more exercise is our plan of action.  I guess my ideal weight should match that of my sister since we are about the same height meaning, I need to be around 10 pounds.  But, like I said last time, we will discuss this with my vet when I go in.  And I'm hoping my mom forgets to mention I need my shot as well.  I'm not too friendly when they start poking me and sticking things in me.  Ask the last vet I pooped on.

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