Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November weight results

Mom weighed us the other day for the first time in 2-3 months.  

My weight: 16 pounds.  This means I did not gain or lose any weight.  I take that as a win.

Epa's weight: 11 pounds.  Chunky-butt apparently has gained 2.5 pounds in the past couple months.  

Now mom knows where all the food has been going. 

So what does my weight mean for me?  Well, I didn't gain any so I did something right.  The food hog on the other hand has to watch it or she'll get fat as well.  I know what her problem is: she prefers dry food to wet food which can cause the extra weight.  Why a cat with only two teeth wants dry food is beyond me.

Anyways, I think mom was at least happy that I haven't gained any weight.  

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cat Napping

Mom's been busy doing stuff and has been hogging the computer so haven't been able to post.  Will come back in a week or so and probably give a new weight result since I've been too afraid to weigh myself the past couple months.