Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Black Cat Safety

As a black cat, I know that Halloween proves to be an especially dangerous time for us.  Therefore, I would like to share some tips to keep your black cat's (or any cat for that matter) safety during the season.

1. ID your cat.  If you haven't already microchipped or made an ID tag for your cat to wear, you need to do this immediately.

2. Don't let your cat outdoors for the couple of weeks before and after Halloween.  It is so easy for someone to steal a cat when it is outside and if someone is willing to steal a black cat during Halloween, it usually isn't for anything good.

3. On Halloween night, have your cats (and dogs for that matter) locked up in a separate room from where you will be tending to the trick-or-treaters.  You don't want to have to worry about your buddy escaping when you open the door.

4.  We are not decorations, we are living creatures.  Therefore, if you use us just for a house decoration during the holiday, you are the stupidest person I know.  And karma's waiting for you.

5.  Keep the candy away.  Chocolate is bad for all animals and could kill us.

6. If you see any idiots hurting any animals during this time (as well as ANY TIME during the year), call the police immediately.  An animal's life could be in your hands.

If you adhere to these tips along with using common sense, you can know that your cat will be safe during this time.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Winter Hibernating Spots

Epa found herself a nice winter sleeping spot:

So when she got up, I took it:

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

We Go Bump in the Night

Mom changed her bed sheets and put on a clean pair of pajamas.  What she didn't know was that Epa and I were planning our attack to rid the bedding of it's clean smell (why humans want to erase our scent is beyond me).  After she fell asleep, we went to work.  I jumped up and fell asleep on the comforter and Epa managed to climb under the covers to snuggle with her.

Our plan worked.  Mom woke up with cat hair all over her.

Epa is a pro.  That blanket is now ours when we travel after mom bought a new one.

I like to stay near the foot of the bed

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Take

Dogs will give you unconditional love.  Cats will let you do only what they want.